International Journal of
Engineering Research
& Science
ISSN No. 2395-6992 | Impact Factor 6.53
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Engineering Journal: Volume-1, Issue-6, September, 2015

1. On the Rational Dynamic Equation on Discrete Time Scales
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SEP-2015-3
2. Effect of establishment methods and weed-control measures on Broad leaf weeds, yield attributes and harvest index of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SEP-2015-5
3. Preparation of Multiphase Poly (Styrene-co-Butyl acrylate)/Wax-Clay Nanocomposites via Miniemulsion Polymerization
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SEP-2015-10
4. Bacterial Isolates from Contact Lenses, Frames and Their Susceptibility to Disinfectants
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SEP-2015-7