International Journal of
Engineering Research and Science
ISSN No. 2395-6992 | Impact Factor 6.81
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Engineering Journal: Guidelines for Authors

IJOER- Guidelines for Authors

Engineering Journal IJOER welcomes original research papers in engineering and science. All submissions should be checked for plagiarism, meet our quality standards, and follow the journal's format. We use a double-blind review process, and accepted papers are published as open access. Authors can submit up to two papers per issue, and it usually takes 2–3 weeks to receive a publication decision.

Engineering Journal IJOER: Guidelines for Authors:

The International Journal of Engineering Research (IJOER) welcomes submissions of original and high-quality research papers in various fields of engineering and science. As part of our commitment to supporting the global scientific community, IJOER provides a platform for researchers to publish their work, ensuring adherence to scholarly ethics and rigorous peer review. This guide outlines the essential requirements and submission protocols that authors need to follow to contribute to the journal. Published monthly by AD Publications, IJOER has been facilitating the exchange of knowledge in engineering and related disciplines since April 2015.

Brief Guidelines for Authors:

  • Original Research: The article must be original, not previously published or submitted elsewhere.
  • Plagiarism: The article must be free of plagiarism.
  • Conflict of Interest: The article should not have any conflicts of interest.
  • Ethics Compliance: The submission must adhere to scholarly communication ethics and guidelines.

Types of Articles Accepted:

  1. Original Research Articles: Completely written by the authors, presenting novel findings.
  2. Survey/Review/Case Studies: Related to scientific topics.
  3. Communications: Short, self-prepared articles on ongoing research.
  4. Technical Notes: Articles referencing ongoing research, technical theory, or published work.

Authors should submit their articles, including all images and annexures, in .doc or .pdf format via email to or

Submission Guidelines for Authors:

1. Plagiarism Check:

  • Content must be checked using licensed plagiarism software (e.g., Turnitin, iThenticate), ensuring less than 20% similarity, including references. Excluding references, it should be less than 5%.
  • Proper citations should be included for any copied content

2. Quality Check:

  • Articles must be original, result-oriented, and aligned with the journal’s scope. The structure should include: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References.
  • Authors may refer to previous articles from the journal's archives or follow the provided article format

3. Article Submission Limit:

  • Each author can submit a maximum of two articles per issue. If more than two articles are submitted, additional ones will be considered for the next issue.

4. Peer Review Process:

  • The journal follows a double-blind peer review process, ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers. Articles are typically reviewed by at least two experts, with a final decision made by the Chief Editor. The review process takes approximately 2–3 weeks.

5. Publication Fees:

  • All published articles are open access, providing unrestricted access worldwide. Authors (or their funding institutions) are required to pay an Article Processing Charge.

6. Indexing:

  • The journal cannot influence the processing time for indexing or abstracting in external databases. Decisions regarding indexing are made solely by the database teams.

7. Submission Declaration:

  • Submission implies that the work has not been published or is under consideration elsewhere. Authors are responsible for obtaining approval from co-authors and institutional authorities, if necessary.


If an article includes figures, tables, or text from previously published work, authors must obtain permission from the copyright holder. Evidence of permission must be submitted along with the article.

Article Format:

1. Title Page:

  • The title should be in Times New Roman, font size 18, and bold. It must be informative and reflective of the article content.

2. Author Information:

  • Full details of all contributing authors with university, address, contact information should be provided.

3. Abstract:

  • The abstract (150–450 words) should summarize the research clearly and concisely, without undefined abbreviations or references. Use Times New Roman, font size 10, italic, and 1.15 line spacing.

4. Keywords:

  • Provide 4 to 6 keywords for indexing purposes, in italic and bold, with proper spacing.

5. Text Formatting:

  • Use A4 portrait format with the following margins: Top 2.54 cm, Bottom 2.54 cm, Left 1.63 cm, Right 1.63 cm. The text should be in Times New Roman, size 10, line spacing 1.15, with justified alignment. Follow the provided guidelines for headings and subheadings.

6. Figures and Tables:

  • Submit figures and tables separately in high quality. The journal will adjust them as necessary.

7. References:

  • References should follow the IEEE style with hanging indent, font size 9, and single line spacing.

Article Structure Guidelines:

1. Introduction:

  • Clearly state the objectives and provide adequate background, supported by a detailed literature review

2. Materials and Methods:

  • Extend the information discussed in the Introduction with a detailed explanation of the methodology.

3. Results:

  • Present clear and concise findings.

4. Discussion:

  • Interpret the results and explore their significance

5. Conclusion and Future Scope:

  • Summarize the main findings, limitations, and possible directions for future research.

6. Appendices:

  • Label appendices as A, B, etc., with separate numbering for formulas and figures.

7. Acknowledgements:

  • Authors may acknowledge individuals or organizations that assisted in the research.

8. References:

  • Ensure all references cited in the text are listed, following the standard IEEE reference style.

Equations, Figures, and Tables:

1. Equations:

  • Use an equation editor for formulas. Number equations consecutively, aligned to the right.

2. Figures and Tables

  • Provide captions separately. Number figures and tables consecutively in the order they appear in the text.


Authors must submit a signed E-Copyright Transfer Form after article acceptance. The copyright for all published articles belongs to Engineering Journal IJOER. Authors may use their content in future works, provided proper acknowledgment is given to the journal.

Final Proof

Authors will receive a set of page proofs (PDF) for final approval. Corrections should be returned within three days. Significant changes will not be allowed at this stage without prior permission.

Final Notes for Authors: We encourage all authors to carefully review their submissions to ensure compliance with the guidelines outlined above. Adherence to these requirements will help streamline the review and publication process. If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to us at or We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions to the field of engineering and science.