International Journal of
Engineering Research
& Science
ISSN No. 2395-6992 | Impact Factor 6.81
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SPECIAL ISSUE: VOL.-10, ISSUE-4, April, 2024

1. A Review on Decision Tree Procedures caring Grouping Problems
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-1
2. An Imaginary Study on Analyzing Results Using the K-Implies Grouping Technique
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-2
3. Handling Missing Attributes Using Imputation Methods
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-3
4. Tackling Multiclass Categorization Challenges Using a Multi-Label Classification Framework
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-4
5. AI Techniques for Programming Deformation and Repair
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-5
6. Exploring the Effectiveness and Applicability of Various Troupe Grouping Procedures in Classifier Estimation: An In-Depth Empirical Study
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-6
7. Utilizing Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Feature Selection in Multiclass Classification Problems: A Comprehensive Study
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-7
8. Utilizing Rule-Based Characterization Strategies Employing Unambiguous and Supportive Classifiers
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-8
9. Utilizing AI Techniques for Vehicle Information Extraction and Analysis to Predict Trends in the Automotive Market: A Comprehensive Study
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-9
10. An Investigative Exploration and In-depth Analysis of Wi-Fi Networks in Public Environments
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-10
11. An Exploratory Investigation into Missing Value Imputation Techniques for Classification Tasks
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-11
12. An Exploratory Investigation into Developing an Optimal Model for Predicting Credit Approval
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-12
13. An Exploratory Study on Ensemble Classification Techniques: Investigating Their Application and Efficacy
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-13
14. Utilizing Supervised Learning Techniques for Program Error Detection: A Comprehensive Approach
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-14
15. Exploring Trends in Real-Time Data Streams through Frequent Itemset Mining in Big Data Analytics
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-15
16. Exploring Sentimental Analysis of Medicine Reviews through Machine Learning Techniques
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-16
17. Forecasting Stock Market Trends through Advanced Machine Learning Techniques
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-17
18. Deep Learning for Automatic Facial Expression Recognition: Leveraging Local Features and Convolutional Neural Networks
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-18
19. Evaluating the Performance of Naive Bayes and K-Nearest Neighbor Models for Predictive Analysis
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-19
20. Enhancing Image Resolution through Generative Adversarial Deep Learning Networks for Superior Quality Images
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-20
21. Automatic Text Detection from Images: A Deep Learning Approach
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-21
22. Enhancing Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection Efficiency through Key Point Clustering and Similar Neighborhood Algorithm
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-22
23. Forecasting Agricultural Crop Yield through Data Mining Methods
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-23
24. Utilizing Python-Based Machine Learning for Discriminating Between Plants and Unwanted plant
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-24
25. Analysis of Mobile Games: Android and iOS Rating Dataset
SEIDigital Identification Number:IJOER-SVU-APR-2024-25