International Journal of
Engineering Research
& Science
ISSN No. 2395-6992 | Impact Factor 6.53
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Engineering Journal: Volume-10, Issue-8, August, 2024

1. Experimental Investigation on Super Alloys using Al7178 Metal Matrix Tools (Aluminum Oxide Materials of Different Weight Percentages 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%) on Electrical Discharge Machining
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-AUG-2024-1
2. Properties of Symmetry of Space and Time, Hamilton’s Principle and the Invariants
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-AUG-2024-3
3. Legal and Regulatory Structure Prevailing in the UK related to Data Privacy and Public Surveillance
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-AUG-2024-6
4. Enhancing Material Removal Rate in EDM with Green Dielectrics: A Regression Modeling Approach
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-AUG-2024-7
5. Solving the Node-Weighted Steiner Tree Problem using Reinforcement Learning
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-AUG-2024-8