International Journal of
Engineering Research
& Science
ISSN No. 2395-6992 | Impact Factor 6.81
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SPECIAL ISSUE: VOL.-9, ISSUE-6, June, 2023

1. Comparative Analysis of Ensemble Classification Algorithms for Fish Catch Prediction: An Exploratory Study
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-1
2. Comparative Analysis of Multilayer Perceptron and Logistic Regression Algorithms for Prediction Tasks: A Comprehensive Study
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-2
3. A Comparative Study of Optimal Kernel Selection for Support Vector Machines
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-3
4. A Test Approach for Understudies' Scholarly Presentation utilizing AI
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-4
5. A Study on FP-Growth Algorithm for Association Rule Mining using Supermarket Data
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-5
6. An Experimental approach on Association Rule Mining in Supermarket Dataset using Apriori Algorithm
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-6
7. Comparative Analysis of KNN and Decision Tree Algorithms for Classification in Information Mining
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-7
8. Comparative Study of K-Means Clustering with Different Distance Metrics for Unbalanced Data Analysis: Evaluating Euclidean and Manhattan Distance
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-8
9. Predictive Analysis of Tic-Tac-Toe Game Outcomes using Supervised Learning Algorithms
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-9
10. An Overall Performance Assessment on Random Forest and Decision Tree directed Learning
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-10
11. Email Spam Prediction using Supervised Learning Algorithms: Naive Bayes and Logistic Regression
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-11
12. A Study on K-Means Clustering Analysis on Two-dimensional Data Points
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-12
13. An Experimental Study on Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-13
14. Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms: A Comprehensive Review and Analysis
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-14
15. Predictive Modelling on Adult Dataset using Machine Learning Algorithms
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-15
16. Empirical Analysis of the BIRCH Clustering Algorithm: An Experimental Study
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-16
17. Unveiling Customer Segmentation Patterns in Mall Shopping Data Using DBSCAN Clustering
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-17
18. A Comparative and Assessing Analysis of BIRCH Clustering Algorithm on Synthetic Data
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-18
19. Analyzing Data Clustering using the DBSCAN Algorithm: A Comprehensive Study
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-19
20. Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Classifier Algorithms for Agricultural Multi-Class Prediction: A Case Study on the Fish Catch Dataset
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-SVU-JUN-2023-20