International Journal of
Engineering Research
& Science
ISSN No. 2395-6992 | Impact Factor 6.53
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Engineering Journal: Volume-5, Issue-11, November, 2019

1. Material Recovery of the Glassy Slag Produced from Asbestos Containing Waste
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-OCT-2019-6
2. The Analysis of Selected Characteristics of Secondary Heat Networks
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-OCT-2019-7
3. The Prototype of Metal Hydride Hydrogen Compressor with Heat Pump
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-OCT-2019-8
4. A Survey of Nitrogen Level Estimation in Plants using Image Processing
SEIDigital Identification Number: IJOER-NOV-2019-3